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Autumn 2

Over the past few weeks we have been learning all about the dark and all the different things we see and can do in the dark. Through this we have celebrated Bonfire night by drawing and pretending to be fireworks, Divali reading the story of Rama and Sita and making Diya lamps. As we enter the period of Advent we are seeing Christmas lights and trees being put up whilst getting ready for our own Nativity!
We have enjoyed reading stories involving the dark such as Owl babies and can’t you sleep little bear where we have learnt all about night time and different nocturnal animals. We have begun our new RE topic learning all about our Families and the most important story of the Holy Family and how they prepared for the birth of Jesus.  We have been learning to subitise and recognise arrangements of objects.. we also spent some time thinking about Remembrance Day and what it means for us. 

In the past couple of weeks we have been incredibly festive! The cold weather has enabled us to explore changes in temperature and the effects weather has on the world around us. We have been developing our crafting and creative skills in many different ways whilst preparing for the most special time, Jesus' Birthday!