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Mission Statement

Read our full Mission Statement here
This is the most important document in our school and underlines everything we strive to achieve.

I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will have the light of life’  John 8:12

The Purpose of our school is to educate each child to develop and achieve their potential within a caring, Catholic community, governed by Gospel values.

I Am Serving Virtue Winners – 17th July 2024    FS2B - Naemi     FS2R - Mia     1RM - Hanna    1MW - Joanna     2RE/BK - Simone      2CB - Iza     3TL - Anita     3JB - Hiyab    4LL - Nazriet     4NG - Julia     5CL - Meklit     5SS - Nancy     6MO - Livvy      6CM - Grace

Star Writers - 5th July 2024     FS2B - Matias     FS2R - Eden/Matteo     1RM- Oluwadaraloba      1MW - Japheth/Vincent     2RE/BK - Chloe     2CB - Meron     3TL - Martyna     3JB - Zion     4LL - Leon/Thoko    4NG - Anne     5CL - Shayden     5SS - Aleeza/Evie-Leigh    6MO - Livvy/Setayesh     6CM - Nawal     SJ Group - Orlaith/Magda

Attendance Winners - Class:  4NG/3JB      Year Group: 3