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Foundation Stage 2

Week 1

We have had a fabulous first week in FS2 settling into our new classes and making new friends. The children have loved exploring the new environment and have made an excellent start on learning the new routines.  

Well done everyone! 

Black History Month Focus:

Black History Month is celebrated every October. It provides the children and adults with an opportunity to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture.

As part of Black History Month, we have been learning about the author Benjamin Zephaniah. We learnt that he was born in Birmingham and he started writing poems at an early age. Benjamin was diagnosed with Dyslexia and left school at 13 unable to read or write.

At 22 years old Benjamin moved to London as he wanted more people to hear his poetry. This week we have painted pictures of Benjamin, listened to his poem ‘Nature Trail’ and created our own nature pictures using the resources we collected from our Autumn walk.

This week we have been learning all about the season of Autumn. We started by going on an Autumn walk, noticing the colours of the leaves and talking about the fact that some of them are starting to fall on the floor. We sang our autumn song and had a go at making a pile and jumping right in! Following on from this we explored pumpkins and created autumn leaf paintings!