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If the Governors have not been able to meet your preference for a place at this school  you can appeal against the decision to an independent appeals panel.

You will need to put your appeal in writing and send this to school by May 14th marked for the attention of the:

Chair of Governors

St Augustine’s Catholic Primary school

St Wilfrids Circus




Appeals submitted by this date will be heard within 40 school days.

Appeals submitted after this date will be heard within 40 school days from the date when the appeal is received by the preferenced school (s); this may not be before the end of the academic year.

You must ensure any additional evidence you wish to submit in support of your appeal is received by the Clerk to the RC Appeals Panel at least four working days before your appeal.

Appeals against a decision for any other year group will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being received by the preferenced school (s).

Wherever possible, the appeals clerk will send you the appropriate appeal paperwork 10 working days in advance of the hearing. This will include the admission authority’s case which provides the reasons why your child was refused a place at the school.

You must ensure any additional evidence you wish to submit in support of your appeal is received by the Admissions Team at least 5 working days before your appeal. Any material not submitted by the specified deadline may not be considered by the Independent Appeal Panel. You must also inform the Local Authority if you intend to call any witnesses or be represented at the appeal hearing.


Following the hearing, decision letters will be sent within five school days of the hearing.

School days are term time only and do not include bank holidays. If an appeal is submitted in the school holidays the school days deadline will not start until the beginning of the next term e.g. an appeal received in July after schools have closed will not be heard until the new academic term in September.


Late Applications

 As far as possible late applications will be dealt with as stated above or within 30 days if possible.

In year applications

Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged by the parent.

Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 days before the Appeal hearing.

Parents can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 days before.

Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.