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We have adopted the Assertive Mentoring system for reading and writing. Children have individual records with assessment criteria measured against the objectives from the National Curriculum.  In Reading children have ongoing assessment through the scheme and termly reading tests as well as formative assessment for learning during the course of the year. 

In Writing, children have ongoing assessment for learning and also complete a piece of writing each term, which is used for assessment purposes to determine their level of progress through the national curriculum. Teachers meet regularly to moderate writing to ensure consistency in levelling across school. Teachers also meet with teachers from across our Academy Trust for moderating writing as a form of quality assurance. We have recently also started using the comparative judgement process through No More Marking. This involves Years One to Six once a year doing a cold writing task using a visual stimulus, which is then compared against pieces from thousands of other pupils across the country to give each child a writing age by using a standardised scoring system.

Children also complete statutory tests at set periods:-

  • Year One have a phonics screening test in June.
  • Year Two complete SATS in the summer term, which include an assessment of reading and writing skills.
  • Year Six complete SATS in May, which include an assessment of reading and SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar).   

 These are all standardised national tests, which all children are required
to undertake, unless they are working at below the test expectations.


Pupils have positive attitudes to, and enjoy reading as indicated in their keenness to read at given times.

Pupils make accelerated progress in reading across school. Pupils enter the Foundation Stage significantly below national expectations and leave KS2 broadly in line with national expectations. 

In July 2023, 74% of our Year Six children met the age related expectations,
slightly higher than national standard; 8% reached greater depth standard.


Pupils enjoy their daily phonics lessons and use their phonic skills on a daily basis
when reading and writing across the curriculum.

In June 2023, 88% of Year One children achieved the required level in the
statutory Phonics Sreening Test. This achievement demonstrates good progress
from starting points for all pupils and places our school above schools nationally.
 83% of Year Two children achieved the required level in the
screening test. This figure again places our school above schools nationally.


Pupils enjoy creative writing and show great pride when their writing is chosen
for ‘Starwriter’ or to be published, whether that be on Pobble or as part of a
competition which they have entered. They also show enthusiasm for writing
across other curriculum areas.

From entering Foundation Stage with significantly below age related
expectations, pupils are now leaving KS2 broadly in line with national
expectations. There has been a gradual improvement in raising standards over
the last five years to reach that point.

In July 2023, 71% reached age related expectations and 11% were working at
greater depth standard. This is in line with national figures.