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Foundation Stage 1

WC- 14.02.22

We are continuing the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. 

Have a think about the food that Little Red Riding Hood had in her basket.
Perhaps you can draw a picture of them or have a go at writing them down (marking marks that represent words).

This week we are going to focus on quantity.

Using the story of Little Red Riding Hood perhaps, you could have your own picnic.
Can you find the items you will need, for example, two apples, two sandwiches, two biscuits.
Of course if more people join the picnic you might have to get more food or share (divide) what you have so you all have equal amounts.

In RE we are continuing to reflect on ‘The Good Samaritan’, Luke 10: 25-37.

This is a parable told by Jesus, which helps us to know and value the importance of helping others. 

Kindness Challenge: Each day have a think about how the Good Samaritan showed his love and kindness and think about what you could do to show your kindness to others.
Perhaps you could tidy your room; help to hang out the washing; read someone a story.

-Please check Tapestry for more ideas.